Press Release Summary = New monthly mentoring club launched in November encourages people to 'Think and Grow Rich' by exposing them to the never before exposed secrets of the super rich internet marketers. Copy these guys' examples, and use their free monthly resale rights products to build your own financial independence.
Press Release Body = To many of us, with the continuing collapse of pension funds across the industrialized world, and governments unable to meet cost of living increases to the already meager payouts, thoughts of retirement have changed from ones of splendid tranquility, and a time to enjoy hobbies, and spending time with families friends and other loved ones, to thoughts of sometime sheer terror as to how basic survival will be met..
However, with the massive growth potential of the internet, more and more people are finding that they can break out of the financial straight jacket that society usually thrusts upon them, by emulating the secrets of those who have created their own lives of financial independence.
What many ordinary people don\'t realize, is that many of these rich and famous celebrities have known poverty, they have known what it is like to lose everything, they have been to the very depths of despair - yet they have fought back, to lives of luxury and security, that are the rewards for people who are brave enough to think \'out of their box\'.
The whole fabric of society teaches us from an early age that the only way to succeed in life is to work hard at school and university, and then build a career path working for somebody else. Good luck to them say some, as the rich need people to run their companies, cook their food, clean their swimming pools and so forth.
But, with a few exceptions, people are not born rich, and apart from the lucky few who may win the lottery (and tend to lose it all quite quickly), wealth can be created by anybody who has an open enough mind to \'think themselves rich\'.
A new monthly membership club sets out to provide those with a receptive enough mind to \'think themselves rich\' with detailed insights of how many of these celebrities made it to the top. By following these people, and learning from their mistakes and successes, many of you will be able to join them in their lives of financial independence and security.